Annual Peace Day Program to Be Held at Phoebe Berks
Phoebe Berks will host its Annual Peace Day program, in conjunction with the United Nations’ International Day of Peace on Wednesday, September 21. The program will be held on the Phoebe Berks campus, beginning in the chapel at 10:00 a.m., followed by a complementary luncheon in the Village Dining Room. The program will conclude with a time of prayer at 1:30 p.m. around the peace pole in the courtyard.
This year’s program speakers, Amy Yoder McGloughlin and John Bergen, are both pastors at Germantown Mennonite Church in Philadelphia . They are both speaking on behalf of Christian Peacemaker Teams and will reflect on their experiences on recent trips to Palestine. The mission of Christian Peacemaker Teams is “Building partnerships to transform violence and oppression.”
The Peace Day event is free and open to the public. Please RSVP by September 16 to Leah Knox at 610-927-8515 or [email protected].